If your account is in credit by more than your monthly payment amount you can send us an email to ask for a refund.
If you prefer, you can use your credit to pay for your energy, by lowering your monthly payment amount in your Tulo account - we'll suggest a new payment amount that will let you use up your credit over time.
Refund Requirements
Before we can give you a refund, you'll need to make sure your account has each of the following:
A recent meter reading
Submit a reading before you get in touch. If we don’t have a recent reading, your Tulo account balance may not show how much energy you’ve actually used.
A month's worth of credit
We take payments in advance. So you should always have at least a month’s worth of credit in your Tulo account to cover next month’s statement. As the seasons change, we may recommend building up more credit in your Tulo account to cover the extra energy you’ll use in the winter.
A regular payment method
If you've recently changed payment methods, wait until a payment has been taken from your new one before requesting a refund.